Iron Flame Book Ending Explanation

Iron Flame Book Ending Explanation : Why Violet’s Dream of the Venin Matters

Plot Summary of Iron Flame

The long-awaited sequel to the 2023 dragon fantasy, “Fourth Wing,” has finally arrived! Rebecca Yarros’ “Iron Flame” serves as the second installment of The Empyrean series, seamlessly continuing the story from where the first book left off. Trouble brews in paradise as Xaden betrays Violet’s trust, and she discovers that her supposedly deceased brother is alive and fighting with the resistance against the venin and wyverns.

Despite the chaos, Violet must return to Basgiath and maintain appearances, all while her nation conceals the imminent threat looming over them. However, the conclusion of the book leaves readers with more questions than answers, prompting speculation and anticipation for the next installment in the series.

Is Violet betrayed by Dain?

In “Fourth Wing,” Dain’s ability to read Violet’s mind when he touches her face is revealed to be accidental. The first time it happens, he glimpses only that the second-year Marked Ones embark on unauthorized long flights. Seeking his father’s approval, he shares this information, unaware of the consequences at Athebyne.

In “Iron Flame,” during an interrogation session led by RSC, Dain is tempted to read Violet’s mind but ultimately refuses when she declines. However, when Varrish accuses Violet of planning to sabotage the wards and brings in Dain, he reluctantly reads her mind. Upon discovering the truth, Dain fatally stabs Varrish in a moment of realization.

What prevents Xaden from initially killing Violet?

Prior to the events of “Fourth Wing,” General Sorrengail imposes an additional condition on Xaden when he assumes responsibility for the Marked Ones. Aware of the threat they pose to her daughter, she insists that Xaden also ensure Violet’s safety, requiring him to prevent anyone from harming her.

In return for this assurance, all the Marked Ones are granted access to the quadrant and the opportunity to become riders. This is one reason why Xaden refrains from killing Violet when he discovers her eavesdropping on his meeting with the first-year Marked Ones in the initial book.

Does Xaden possess the ability to read minds?

While Xaden technically cannot read minds, he possesses the ability to discern intentions that lead to the formation of thoughts. This distinction is negligible as intentions are often as transparent as thoughts themselves. However, he is unable to penetrate someone’s mind if they have their shield up.

In terms of signets, a rider can possess either one powerful signet or two signets, with the latter risking insanity if their dragon previously bonded with a direct relative. In Xaden’s case, his dragon Sgaeyl had bonded with his grandfather. When Xaden develops his second signet, he conceals it upon witnessing Basgiath, a dragon that hunts mind readers, kill someone. To further conceal his signets, he claims to possess only one powerful signet – shadow wielding – amidst rumors that Sgaeyl had bonded with a distant uncle.

Xaden first reads Violet’s mind after she hides in a tree and inadvertently overhears his meeting with the first-year Marked Ones. Aside from the agreement with her mother, he refrains from harming her due to her sympathetic intentions towards the Marked Ones, who are merely looking out for each other.

Iron Flame Book Ending Explanation

Is Andarna a dragon of black coloration?

Initially, there is a widespread belief that Andarna is a black dragon, as her appearance shifts to a dark hue upon reaching adolescence. However, Violet notices peculiarities in Andarna’s coloration, as her wings shimmer with varying hues unlike Tairn, another dragon. Additionally, Andarna struggles to fit in with the younger dragons, hinting at her unique nature.

Despite Tairn’s role in raising her from hatching, he remains unaware of Andarna’s lineage, which is concealed by the elders. Through Lyra’s journal, Violet uncovers that Andarna belongs to the rare 7th dragon breed, characterized by a shimmering deep purple color. Andarna’s decision to mimic a black dragon stems from her desire to emulate Tairn, although she possesses the ability to change color and camouflage herself seamlessly with her surroundings.

Retaining memories from her formation as an egg, Andarna understands that she was intended to be utilized in rebuilding the wards should the need arise. As the last of her kind, she holds a significant position within her den, granting her authority unquestioned by others. When she identifies with Violet as a fellow misfit, Andarna takes a risk by hatching to bond with her, recognizing a kindred spirit in Violet.

How Navarre wards made?

Navarre’s wards are constructed through a meticulous process involving several key elements. Initially, hundreds of riders are required to imbue the wardstone with their energy, though a select few can accomplish this task individually, albeit over a longer period. Dragon fire is also essential for the ward’s creation, but once a dragon has contributed to a ward, it cannot participate in another. However, the wards protecting Aretia are incomplete and gradually weakening, as only six dragons have been utilized.

While Warrick deceives others by asserting that one dragon of each of the six breeds is sufficient to raise the wards, Lyra reveals the truth: seven dragons are needed, corresponding to the total number of dragon breeds.

During the decisive battle at Basgiath, Brennan repairs the wardstone while Violet infuses it with her energy until she reaches her limit. When Violet’s mother assumes her position, she sacrifices herself and her dragon, Sloane, to channel all of their power into completing the wardstone. Among the seven dragons involved in raising the wards are Andarna and Codagh, the sole other black dragon aside from Tairn.

What is the significance behind Xaden and Violet’s dreams?

The dreams experienced by both Xaden and Violet hold layers of complexity and intrigue. Initially, Violet seems to be plagued by nightmares involving the Venin at Resson, the Sage. However, Xaden later claims ownership of these dreams, suggesting that they are targeted towards him due to his status as a powerful warrior and heir of Tyrrendor, potentially making him a political pawn if manipulated. Despite this, the lower-level Venin also target Violet, adding further intricacy to the situation.

Several theories arise regarding the origin and purpose of these shared dreams. One theory suggests that Violet’s initial nightmares could stem from her own PTSD, prior to her experiencing Xaden’s dreams. Another proposes that her second signet may grant her the ability to foresee the future or enter into shared dreams with Xaden. Additionally, it is speculated that their lowered shields during sleep, combined with their bond, could inadvertently lead Violet into Xaden’s dreams. Alternatively, it is suggested that the Sage may be manipulating both Violet and Xaden by inducing similar dreams in order to distract Violet from his true intentions.

Why does Xaden transform into a Venin?

During a critical moment where Violet is on the brink of death from burnout and Xaden is locked in battle with the Sage, Xaden is ensnared by the Venin. To match the Sage’s power and prevent Violet’s demise, Xaden is compelled to undergo a transformation into a Venin.

The reasons behind this transformation are multifaceted. Xaden may believe that the Sage could potentially target Violet if he is incapacitated, leaving him with no alternative but to match the Sage’s power. However, the fate of the Sage’s body after the encounter raises doubts about the Venin’s true demise.

Why wasn’t Jack Barlowe killed by Basgiath?

Jack Barlowe’s survival despite being transformed into a Venin early on raises questions about his resilience. After being crushed by a mountain and brought to Nolon for treatment, Jack’s survival is attributed to Nolon’s ethical dilemma as a healer, compounded by Varrish’s influence. It is implied that Varrish may have sought to control Jack for his own purposes and may have neglected to administer the signet-numbing serum, allowing Jack to later wreak havoc on the wardstone.

By Claire

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